Unveiling the Best 20 AI Tools Every Student Should Know

best AI tools for students

Are you a student or a parent looking to enhance academic success and optimize learning experiences? In today’s digital age, incorporating AI tools into education has become increasingly valuable. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, students can unlock a world of innovative resources to support their educational journey.

In this blog post, we will explore the best AI tools for students, aiming to revolutionize the way they learn and achieve academic excellence. Whether you’re seeking assistance with study materials, organization, or personalized learning experiences, join us as we dive into the realm of AI in education tools and discover the ones that can propel your educational endeavors to new heights.

What functionalities do AI tools offer to students?

AI tools offer a wide range of functionalities to students, enhancing their academic journey. Utilizing artificial intelligence, these tools personalize learning experiences, catering to individual needs and preferences. They provide instant feedback on assignments, allowing students to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

Additionally, AI tools assist in productivity and time management by offering tools for organization and task prioritization. Moreover, these tools provide interactive learning experiences through features like chatbots, enabling students to engage in dynamic and adaptive educational content.

Overall, AI tools play a crucial role in empowering students to thrive academically by offering personalized support, timely feedback, efficient organization, and engaging learning experiences.

Understanding the benefits of AI tools for students

AI tools offer numerous benefits for students, serving as a helpful and friendly companion in the world of technology. They are not intended to replace humans but rather act as digital assistants designed to simplify life. AI acts as a tech-savvy friend, saving time by automating tasks, offering intelligent suggestions, and enhancing efficiency in completing assignments.

Additionally, AI tools assist in organizing schedules and reminders, making it easier for students to stay organized and on top of their responsibilities. With AI as a trusted ally, students can experience the advantages of smart technology in their academic journey.

Optimal Utilization of AI by Students

To optimize the utilization of AI, students should set clear and SMART goals, combining traditional learning methods with AI tools. Engaging in interactive learning through platforms like chatbots can enhance their understanding and knowledge retention. Analyzing data-driven insights for self-improvement is crucial, while also prioritizing data privacy and security. Embracing instant feedback provided by AI systems can help students make timely adjustments and improvements in their learning process. Lastly, maintaining curiosity about AI technologies fosters a proactive approach towards exploring new possibilities and staying ahead in an increasingly AI-driven world.

The Top 20 Best AI tools for students


Otter.ai is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to transcribe and summarize audio recordings of meetings.

Otter.ai can help users with the following functions:

  • Recording audio and capturing slides from online or in-person meetings
  • Transcribing the audio in real-time and highlighting key words and phrases
  • Extracting action items, decisions, and next steps from the transcript
  • Generating a summary of the meeting with the main points and outcomes
  • Sharing the transcript and summary with other participants or collaborators
  • Integrating with popular meeting platforms, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet
  • Providing live answers to questions during meetings using natural language processing
  • Creating live summaries of meetings that show the most important information
  • For sales professionals, Otter.ai also offers OtterPilot for Sales, which can:
    • Analyze sales calls and provide insights on customer needs, pain points, and objections
    • Automate follow-up emails and reminders based on the transcript and summary
    • Sync call notes and action items with Salesforce

Otter.ai is a useful tool for anyone who wants to make their meetings more productive and efficient. Otter.ai can save time, improve communication, and enhance collaboration.

Otter.ai is free for up to 600 minutes of transcription per month, and it offers paid plans for more features and storage. To use Otter.ai, users need to sign up on the website and download the app.


Quizgecko is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to generate questions and quizzes from any content.

Quizgecko helps users create quizzes and tests for various purposes, such as education, business, or personal use. Quizgecko can:

  • Generate questions and quizzes from any content, such as PDFs, presentations, web pages, or text files
  • Support different question formats, such as multiple choice, true or false, short answer, matching, and fill-in-the-blank
  • Provide options to customize the quizzes, such as adding images, videos, audio, or equations
  • Share and embed the quizzes on different platforms, such as websites, learning management systems, or blogs
  • Grade the quizzes automatically and provide feedback and explanations for the answers
  • Analyze the quiz results and provide reports and statistics on the performance and progress of the users

Quizgecko is a useful tool for anyone who wants to create quizzes and tests easily and quickly. Quizgecko is free for limited use, and it offers premium features and plans for more advanced quiz creation. To use Quizgecko, users need to sign up on the website or download the app.


Decktopus AI is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to help users create and customize presentations. It simplifies the presentation creation process, such as:

  • Generating presentations from any content, such as text, images, videos, or audio
  • Providing suggestions and feedback on the content, design, and duration of the presentations
  • Offering various templates and themes to suit different purposes and audiences
  • Enabling users to edit and modify the presentations easily and quickly

Decktopus AI is a useful tool for anyone who wants to create presentations that are visually appealing, engaging, and effective. Decktopus AI is free for limited use, and it offers premium features and plans for more advanced presentation creation. To use Decktopus AI, users need to sign up on the website or download the app.


MyMap.AI is a tool that helps you create mind maps and presentations from your text ideas, using an AI copilot that guides you through a simple chat interface. You can use MyMap.AI to brainstorm, plan, and communicate your ideas more effectively, without any design skills required.

  • Create Visuals from Text: MyMap.AI can convert your text ideas into visuals like mind maps and presentations, using natural language processing and computer vision. You can also edit, customize, and rearrange your visuals with ease.
  • Organize Your Ideas: MyMap.AI can help you structure your ideas logically, using categories, subtopics, and connections. You can also add notes, images, icons, and links to enrich your visuals.
  • Share Your Ideas: MyMap.AI can help you export and share your visuals in various formats, such as PDF, PNG, JPG, or PPT. You can also collaborate with others in real time, and get feedback and suggestions from your AI copilot.

MyMap.AI is ideal for students, teachers, and professionals who want to map out their ideas visually and creatively. To learn more, visit [MyMap.AI website].

MyMap.AI is the smartest tool for visual idea mapping. Get started for free and experience a new era of visual communication!


Trinka AI is a powerful tool that helps you write flawless academic and technical content. It is more than just a grammar checker; it is a writing assistant that understands your subject and writing level, and provides relevant suggestions to improve your writing.

Trinka AI can check over 3000 grammar rules, from basic to advanced, and correct errors that other tools miss. It can also enhance your vocabulary, style, tone, and syntax, and make your writing more precise and concise. Whether you are writing a research paper, a thesis, a journal article, a report, or a presentation, Trinka AI can help you polish your content and meet the highest writing standards.

Trinka AI is tailored for different academic and technical domains, such as medicine, biology, physics, social sciences, engineering, chemistry, geology, computer science, and economics. It can detect and correct subject-specific terms, spellings, abbreviations, and units, and ensure consistency throughout your document. It can also help you with other aspects of writing, such as plagiarism check, citation check, and journal finder.

Trinka AI is trusted by thousands of users around the world, who appreciate its accuracy, speed, and ease of use. You can use Trinka AI online, or as an add-in for MS Word or your browser.

Trinka AI is the ultimate grammar checker for academic and technical writing. Register for free now and experience the difference in your writing.


Grammarly for Students is a software that helps students with their writing tasks. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide feedback and suggestions on various aspects of writing. Students can use Grammarly to improve their writing skills and academic performance. Grammarly can assist students with different stages and types of writing, such as brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and citing.

Grammarly offers several features for students, such as:

  • Real-time feedback: Grammarly checks your writing as you type and gives you suggestions to improve your grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, and tone.
  • Generative AI: Grammarly can help you generate ideas, outlines, and sentences for your writing. You can also cite the use of generative AI in your work to show transparency and integrity.
  • Plagiarism checker: Grammarly can detect plagiarism and help you avoid it by identifying the sources that need to be cited. You can also generate citations in different styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.
  • Writing insights: Grammarly can help you understand your writing strengths and weaknesses by giving you detailed explanations and tips. You can also track your progress and goals with Grammarly’s writing statistics.

Grammarly for Students is a software that aims to support students in their writing journey. It is trusted by millions of students around the world who use Grammarly to enhance their writing every day. Grammarly for Students can be a useful tool for students from college to internships and beyond.


ClickUp is a software that helps education management in various aspects. It offers different features for educators, administrators, and students to work more efficiently and effectively.

Some of the features are:

  • Coursework Management: This feature allows users to create and share curriculum easily. Users can use tasks to store syllabi, knowledge bases, and lecture details.
  • Scheduling Tools: This feature helps users to plan and manage schedules. Users can use the Calendar feature to view and edit classes or exams. Users can also sync with Google Calendar for better event management.
  • Communication Tools: This feature enables users to communicate and collaborate with others. Users can use chat channels to exchange messages and files. Users can also connect email to tasks, set up automations, and simplify communication within teams.
  • Administration Management: This feature can be used to organize and track administrative work. Users can use ClickUp™ to store and access student information, coursework, and other data. Users can also customize ClickUp™ to suit their needs.

ClickUp is a software that aims to improve productivity, collaboration, and administrative efficiency in education management. It is used by more than 800,000 teams around the world.


OpenAI, a well-established and widely adopted tool, is a standout choice for both students and professionals. The text-davinci-03 module offered by OpenAI is a revolutionary tool, producing plagiarism-free content, including research papers. If you’re grappling with writer’s block, this module can assist you in structuring and framing your blogs and essays, providing valuable support for excelling in your assignments. OpenAI’s playground is highly regarded among the top AI tools for students, making it an essential resource for achieving academic and professional excellence.

Key Use Cases:

  • Testing prompts to refine model responses.
  • Learning API interactions for OpenAI’s language models.
  • Rapid prototyping and validation of AI-driven ideas.
  • Serving as an educational tool for understanding AI and NLP concepts.


QuillBot is an online tool that helps you paraphrase text and improve your writing skills. It is more than just a paraphrasing tool. It is a comprehensive online platform that helps you write better and faster.

With QuillBot you can:

  • Paraphrase more text in one go, up to 10,000 characters per query.
  • Choose from 8 different modes to customize your paraphrasing output, or create your own custom mode with advanced settings.
  • Check your text for plagiarism and get suggestions for proper citations.
  • Analyze your text for tone and sentiment, and see how it affects your audience.

QuillBot is designed to help you write with confidence and clarity. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a creative writer, QuillBot can help you express your ideas effectively and avoid plagiarism.

You can sign up for free or upgrade to QuillBot Premium anytime to access all the features.

Related Post: Exploring the Best 20 AI Tools For Teachers in 2024


Notion is an online platform that lets you create, organize, and share your notes, projects, and documents.

Notion is a versatile tool that can help you with various tasks, such as:

  • Taking notes: You can write down your thoughts, ideas, and information in different formats, such as text, images, videos, audio, and more. You can also use templates and blocks to structure your notes and make them easy to read and edit.
  • Managing projects: You can plan, track, and execute your projects using Notion’s built-in tools, such as kanban boards, calendars, tables, and databases. You can also assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress.
  • Collaborating with others: You can invite your teammates, friends, or family to join your Notion workspace and work together on your notes and projects. You can also chat, comment, and share feedback in real-time.
  • Publishing your work: You can turn your Notion pages into public websites with a single click, and share them with anyone on the internet. You can also customize your pages with your own domain, logo, and style.

Notion is a flexible and powerful platform that can adapt to your needs and preferences. You can use it for personal or professional purposes, and access it from any device. Notion is free for personal use, with unlimited pages and blocks. You can also upgrade to a paid plan for more features and storage.


Gradescope is an online platform that helps instructors grade assignments more efficiently and provide feedback to students more effectively. Gradescope can handle various types of assignments, such as problem sets, projects, worksheets, quizzes, exams, and code assignments, in different subjects, such as Computer Science, Physics, Math, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, and Economics.

How It Works:

  • Instructors can create assignments on Gradescope and upload their own questions or use existing ones from a library.
  • Students can submit their work online or scan their paper-based work and upload it to Gradescope.
  • Instructors can grade the work using a rubric and provide comments with one click. Gradescope also supports group submissions and peer reviews.
  • Instructors can view statistics and reports on the assignment, such as question scores, rubric items, and student performance.

Benefits of Using Gradescope:

  • Gradescope saves time and reduces grading errors by automating some of the grading tasks, such as grouping similar answers, applying rubric changes, and detecting plagiarism.
  • Gradescope improves feedback quality and consistency by allowing instructors to use predefined comments and rubric items, and to share them with other graders.
  • Gradescope enhances student learning and engagement by providing them with immediate and detailed feedback, and allowing them to review their work and ask questions.

How to Get Started:

Gradescope is free for instructors and students, and it integrates with popular learning management systems, such as Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle. You can sign up for Gradescope and start grading your assignments online. You can also request a demo and learn more about Gradescope’s features and benefits.


Syntea is an AI tutor that helps IU International University of Applied Sciences students with their online courses. Syntea uses Chat-GPT, a natural language processing model, to interact with students and provide them with study support. Syntea can help students with the following tasks:

  • Creating personalised study plans based on their prior knowledge and learning goals
  • Accessing tutor support anytime and anywhere through chat or voice
  • Taking PreAssessment tests to identify their strengths and weaknesses and get recommendations for further study
  • Asking questions about course content and getting immediate and accurate answers

Syntea is a useful tool for IU students who want to improve their learning outcomes and study more efficiently. Syntea is available for all IU courses and can be accessed through the IU online platform. To use Syntea, students need to apply to IU and enroll in their chosen course.


TutorAI is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to create personalized and adaptive learning modules for any topic.

TutorAI is a tool that helps students learn anything they want, from math to history, from physics to literature. TutorAI uses OpenAI, a powerful natural language processing model, to generate content and questions based on the student’s interests and preferences. TutorAI also uses machine learning algorithms and data from quizzes and assessments to understand the student’s strengths and weaknesses, and to adjust the content and difficulty accordingly.

How TutorAI works:

  • Students can sign up for free on the website and take a quick quiz to start the learning process.
  • Students can choose any topic they want to learn about, or let TutorAI suggest topics based on their interests and goals.
  • TutorAI will create a personalized learning module for the topic, which consists of text, images, videos, and interactive questions.
  • Students can learn at their own pace and get immediate feedback and explanations from TutorAI.
  • TutorAI will track the student’s progress and performance, and provide insights and recommendations for further learning.

Benefits of using TutorAI:

  • TutorAI saves time and effort by generating content and questions automatically, without the need for manual searching or browsing.
  • TutorAI improves learning outcomes and retention by providing personalized and adaptive content that matches the student’s level and style.
  • TutorAI enhances learning engagement and motivation by allowing students to choose topics they are interested in and to see their progress and achievements.
  • TutorAI supports lifelong learning and curiosity by enabling students to learn about anything, anytime, and anywhere.

TutorAI is a useful tool for students who want to learn new things, improve their skills, or prepare for exams. TutorAI is free for personal use, and it offers premium features and plans for more advanced learning


Knowji is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to create personalized and adaptive learning modules for vocabulary. It is a tool that helps students learn vocabulary in a fun and effective way.

Knowji uses OpenAI, a natural language processing model, to generate content and questions based on the student’s interests and preferences. Knowji also uses machine learning algorithms and data from quizzes and assessments to understand the student’s strengths and weaknesses, and to adjust the content and difficulty accordingly.

How Knowji works:

  • Students can sign up for free on the website or download the appand take a quick quiz to start the learning process.
  • Students can choose any topic they want to learn about, or let Knowji suggest topics based on their interests and goals.
  • Knowji will create a personalized learning module for the topic, which consists of text, images, videos, and interactive questions.
  • Students can learn at their own pace and get immediate feedback and explanations from Knowji.
  • Knowji will track the student’s progress and performance, and provide insights and recommendations for further learning.

Benefits of using Knowji:

  • Knowji saves time and effort by generating content and questions automatically, without the need for manual searching or browsing.
  • Knowji improves learning outcomes and retention by providing personalized and adaptive content that matches the student’s level and style.
  • Knowji enhances learning engagement and motivation by allowing students to choose topics they are interested in and to see their progress and achievements.
  • Knowji supports lifelong learning and curiosity by enabling students to learn about anything, anytime, and anywhere.

Knowji is a useful tool for students who want to learn new words, improve their skills, or prepare for exams. Knowji is free for personal use, and it offers premium features and plans for more advanced learning.


Copyscape is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to detect plagiarism and duplicate content in written texts.

Copyscape is a tool that helps students, teachers, writers, and webmasters check if their texts are original and free from plagiarism. Copyscape uses OpenAI, a natural language processing model, to compare texts with billions of web pages and documents on the internet. Copyscape can identify exact matches, paraphrases, and citations in texts, and highlight the sources of plagiarism.

How Copyscape works:

  • Users can sign up for free on the website or download the app and access the Copyscape service.
  • Users can choose between two options to check their texts: Copyscape Premium or Copysentry.
  • Copyscape Premium allows users to paste or upload their texts and get a plagiarism report with the percentage of similarity, the number of matches, and the links to the sources.
  • Copysentry allows users to monitor their websites and get alerts when someone copies their content or when their content is updated.
  • Users can also use Copyscape banners to protect their websites from plagiarism and warn potential copiers.

Benefits of using Copyscape:

  • Copyscape saves time and effort by checking texts for plagiarism automatically, without the need for manual searching or browsing.
  • Copyscape improves the quality and credibility of texts by ensuring they are original and properly cited, and by avoiding plagiarism penalties and lawsuits.
  • Copyscape enhances the learning and writing skills of users by providing them with feedback and suggestions on how to improve their texts and avoid plagiarism.
  • Copyscape supports academic integrity and ethical writing by enabling users to respect the intellectual property and the work of others.

Copyscape is a useful tool for anyone who wants to check their texts for plagiarism and duplicate content. Copyscape is free for limited use, and it offers paid plans for more features and checks.


AudioPen is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert voice recordings into summarized text notes. It is a tool that helps students, teachers, writers, and anyone who wants to capture their thoughts and ideas quickly and easily.

AudioPen uses OpenAI, a natural language processing model, to transcribe voice recordings and remove unnecessary fillers and repetitions. AudioPen also uses machine learning algorithms and data from previous recordings to understand the user’s preferences and style, and to adjust the summary accordingly.

How AudioPen works:

  • Users can sign up for free on the website or download the app and access the AudioPen service.
  • Users can record their voice using the microphone button or upload an audio file from their device or cloud storage.
  • AudioPen will process the audio and generate a summary of the main points and keywords in text format.
  • Users can edit, save, or share the summary with others, or export it to other apps or platforms.

Benefits of using AudioPen:

  • AudioPen saves time and effort by summarizing voice recordings automatically, without the need for manual typing or editing.
  • AudioPen improves the quality and clarity of notes by providing concise and accurate text that captures the essence of the voice recording.
  • AudioPen enhances the creativity and productivity of users by allowing them to express their thoughts and ideas freely and spontaneously, without worrying about grammar or spelling.
  • AudioPen supports learning and memory by enabling users to review and revise their notes and recordings, and to access them anytime and anywhere.

AudioPen is a useful tool for anyone who wants to convert their voice into text notes and summaries. AudioPen is free for limited use, and it offers paid plans for more features and storage.


Mendeley is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to help students search, store, cite, and share references for their research projects. It is a tool that helps students with various tasks related to reference management, such as:

  • Searching for relevant articles and sources from over 100 million cross-publisher articles and other databases
  • Storing and organizing references in a personal library that can be accessed from any device and browser
  • Citing references in different styles and formats, such as APA, MLA, Harvard, and more
  • Generating bibliographies and reference lists automatically and accurately
  • Sharing references and collaborating with other researchers and peers
  • Monitoring websites and getting alerts when content is copied or updated
  • Analyzing data and getting insights on research trends and topics

Mendeley uses OpenAI, a natural language processing model, to generate content and questions based on the user’s interests and preferences. Mendeley also uses machine learning algorithms and data from previous searches and citations to understand the user’s needs and style, and to adjust the results accordingly.

Mendeley is a useful tool for students who want to manage their references more efficiently and effectively. Mendeley is free for limited use, and it offers premium features and plans for more advanced reference management.


Brainly is an online platform that helps students with their homework questions and learning goals. It is a platform that connects students and experts from different subjects and levels, such as English, Math, Physics, and more. Brainly allows users to:

  • Ask and answer homework questions and get feedback from the community
  • Access the AI Learning Companion™, which provides verified and personalized solutions and explanations for homework questions
  • Learn and understand complex concepts and topics with step-by-step guidance and examples
  • Collaborate and communicate with other students and experts in real-time
  • Track their progress and achievements and earn points and rewards

Brainly is a useful tool for students who want to improve their academic performance and skills. Brainly is free for basic use, and it offers premium features and plans for more advanced learning. To use Brainly, users need to sign up on the website or download the app.


Timely is the ultimate time tracking software that uses AI to automate the tedious task of logging your hours. Whether you work alone or in a team, Timely can help you save time, improve productivity, and optimize your work flow.

  • No More Manual Input or Timers: Timely tracks everything you do on your computer and mobile devices automatically, creating accurate time entries for you. You don’t need to start or stop any timers, or fill out any forms.
  • See How You Spend Your Time: Timely gives you a complete overview of your work day, showing you how much time you spend on different apps, documents, meetings, emails, websites, and video calls.
  • Manage Your Projects Efficiently: Timely lets you monitor your project progress, budgets, hours, and activities in real time, helping you deliver your work on time and within budget.
  • Empower Your Team: Timely helps you understand how your team works, providing you with insights into their time distribution, workload, performance, and collaboration.
  • Learn and Improve: Timely provides you with feedback and suggestions on how to optimize your time management, based on your own data and goals.

Timely is trusted by over 5,000 businesses across 160 countries, who use it to track their time effortlessly and efficiently.


Is AI good for students?

AI can be good for students in many ways, such as providing personalized and adaptive learning, instant feedback, interactive and engaging experiences, data-driven insights, and accessibility and inclusivity. However, AI also has some limitations and challenges, such as ethical, social, and technical issues, that need to be addressed and regulated. Therefore, students should use AI tools wisely and responsibly, and not rely on them entirely.

What is the best AI for students?

Different AI tools may have different features, benefits, and limitations. However, some of the best AI tools for students are: OpenAI Playground, ChatGPT, QuillBot, Otter.ai, and QuizGecko.

What can students use AI for?

Students can use AI for various purposes, such as learning new skills and concepts, improving their writing and communication, managing their time and tasks, creating and sharing their projects, testing and evaluating their knowledge, and exploring their interests and curiosity.

What is the best free AI app for students?

There are many free AI apps for students that can help them with their academic and personal development. However, some of the best free AI apps for students are: Grammarly, which helps with writing and grammar; Speechify, which helps with reading and listening; Desktopus AI, which helps with presentation and design; Trinka, which helps with academic and technical writing; and Timely, which helps with time management and productivity.

What is the free AI tool for education?

There are many free AI tools for education that can help teachers and students with their teaching and learning processes. However, some of the free AI tools for education are: Brainly, which helps with homework and collaboration; SuperusAI, which helps with mind mapping and brainstorming; Copyscape, which helps with plagiarism and duplicate content detection; AudioPen, which helps with voice to text notes and summaries; and Mendeley, which helps with reference management and research.

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